Total Medals Earned: 35 (From
14 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 315 Points
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Congratulations! You get 10 out of 10!
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Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
A nod to Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. Click on "When's the next one coming out?"
Secret scene about Green Link and his ocarina. Click on Green when he talks in Lonlon Ranch about what happened to him in the past.
Red Link is lost and with no easy way out. Click on Red Link when he mentions the Lost Woods.
The Super Cuccos of Lonlon Ranch. Click on Malon quickly when Cojiro exits the scene.
Dark Link's version of Anonymous. The button is hidden somwhere in the menu.
02 - Escape the Mario pipe
01 - Eat kid
00B - Use level select
02 - Get eaten by a robo-fish
00E - Use a continue
01 - Execute a dash move (shoulder block or jump kick)
01 - Defeat Beardy Barrel
00A - Watch full intro rising up to main menu
00D - Watch the whole intro where Aboboy is kidnapped
01 - Throw kid body
01 - Defeat boss
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07 - Get Machine Gun
02 - Choose any incorrect option with Annie the Mermaid
05 - Pick up an extra balloon
04 - Get the map
07 - Get Flame Gun
03 - Let Urban Champ guy punch you
04 - Stab a Bob-Omb
06 - Get hit by a laser
07 - Get Lemmings Gun
02 - Choose wisely with Annie the Mermaid
03 - Execute the Fatality move
07 - Kill showering guy
07 - Get Spread Gun
04 - Get the compass
08 - Watch Little Mac win in 3rd round by decision
02 - Defeat Jaws
04 - Block an Octorock's projectile rock with your shield
00F - Watch abobo get sawed to death on continue screen
07 - Use Rage move on level 7
05 - Bonk Amazon on the head before he spits slime blobs at you
05 - Use Rage move on Level 5
04 - Kill all the flurries in the lion key room
05 - Use a chair on the Amazon
07 - Break out of ice after being frozen
01 - Hit beardy barrel with a barrel
06 - Use Rage move on level 6
03 - Wait long enough for a cop car to drive by
05 - Do each of your slam moves at least once in the match
04 - Regain your throwing sword or throwing beef after losing it
08 - Use Rage move on level 8
04 - Push a not-so-secret block
05 - Bonk Reaper on head before he summons mini-reapers
05 - Avoid mini-reapers without getting hit by them
05 - Jump off the top rope
07 - Kill Robocop
01 - Use Rage move on level 1
04 - Get turned into a snail
00C - Click our donate button & consider showing your support
04 - Use Rage move on Level 4
07 - Use the Contra Code properly
02 - Use Rage move on level 2
04 - Get the ladder
05 - Defeat the Amazon with your Rage move
02 - Eat at least 50 enemies
04 - Clear 20 rooms of all enemies
02 - Defeat Big Daddy Boss
05 - Use all four chairs on the Amazon
04 - Kill Aquamentus
01 - Knock boss off conveyer belt
01 - Punt Donkey Kong Jr.
07 - Destroy Krangby
08 - Knock down Little Mac twice in round 1
04 - Kill Manhandla
06 - Defeat Megabobo
04 - Get the beef
04 - Survive after being inflated by Dig Dug
06 - Defeat Robobobo
07 - Defeat Krang
05 - Survive the Balloon Fight level without dying once
07 - Kill giant Kirby
08 - Defeat Little Mac in round 1
04 - Beat Boss (without beef)
06 - Pick up an extra life
08 - Put on the Power Glove and defeat Little Mac
04 - Beat Boss (with beef)
06 - Survive Megabobo level without dying once
07 - Survive first Contrabobo level without dying once
07 - Survive second Contrabobo level without dying once
05 - Survive the Balloon Fight level without being hit
07 - Survive both Contrabobo levels without dying once
08 - Defeat Little Mac without being knocked down at all
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Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
kill the first boss
find and kill a miniboss
buy somethign in the shop
Kill the second boss
find it
Get a 10 hit Combo
Fiddle with the settings
Use all of main Character's attacks
Complete Normal Mode
Use all Vandier's attacks
Get a 20 hit Combo
Force 5 enemies to fall to death
Kill all eneimies
Keep Full Speical for 30 seconds
Complete Hard Mode
Die to the hands of Vandheer Lorde
Collect 100 orbs
Force 10 enemies to fall to death
Keep Full Speical for 60 seconds
Get a 50 hit Combo
Die to the hands of the Lone Warrior
Complete Culmination in 8 minutes
Collect all Awards
Get a 60 hit Combo
Complete Culmination without dying
Reach zone 2.
Stomp on 8 birds.
Collect 150 crystals.
Perform 25 perfect jumps.
Fly at maximum altitude for a total of 45 seconds.
Stomp on two birds in a single jump.
Reach zone 6.
Stomp on 16 birds in a single game.
Reach zone 4.
Unlock and purchase any hat.
Stomp on 45 birds.
Collect 2,000 crystals.
Perform 250 perfect jumps.
Fly at maximum altitude for a total of 2.5 minutes.
Stomp on 125 birds.
Collect 10,000 crystals.
Perform 1000 perfect jumps.
Fly at maximum altitude for a total of 8 minutes.
Bounce on 3 consecutive mushrooms without touching the ground.
Reach zone 3 without picking up any crystals on zone 2 (except on the final ramp).
Fly away into the sunrise.
Reach zone 9.
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Fall to the world below.
Collect 10 endurance fruits.
Touch 100 flowers.
Kill 5 creatures.
Kill 20 creatures.
Touch 300 flowers.
Max out your endurance bar.
Collect 11 gems.
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Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Experience rebirth the first time.
Discover the dog who can speak in the tounge of man.
Kill a living creature with your weapon
Kill an enemy with their own projectile
Awaken her guardians
Defeat Uzaza
Complete the game with the aid of the gun
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Wood is used in the most important crafting recipes!
Use an anvil!
Feed two animals food to make a baby!
Use the potion stand to make a potion!
Enlarges the crafting area
Say "omnomnom" while you do that!
Use an enchantment table!
This is much cooler than using a sword!
Catch a fish with a fishing rod!
Furnaces will burn and smelt items
They're a renewable resource.
Next up, carrots and potatoes!
Use a furnace, coal, and iron ore to make iron ingots!
You can now mine diamonds... sparkle sparkle!
They will shoot fireballs at you like crazy!
Leather can be made into the first tier of armor
They explode if you fail!
Nothing's worse than a chicken with attitude.
But they're so warm and cuddly!
They pretty much will freak you out until you do anyway
Pigs drop pork, and you eat pork to live
Bahhh! They drop wool.
They will shoot arrows at you if you don't
Just make sure to wash you hands after!
They can climb walls
Careful though - you might need a sword
They typically attack in groups!
Open a door with redstone or a pressure plate!
You can craft or see your items in Mine Blocks.
Now you can build things
Reflect a ghast's fireball back at itself!
With this, you can also mine iron and make an iron pickaxe!
They'll be your best friends in the world!
Use an enderpearl to teleport!
Torches will light up the dark
Sleep is time travel!
Use this to mine stone and coal
Just a'nether thing to do!
They teleport, are fast, and do a lot of damage. Good luck!
I'm not lying!
The next step is going to the nether
You can't be much fancier than a diamond pickaxe!
It's a pretty fancy ore!
Mix water into pure lava!
Interstellar warping may occur.
Congratulations! You beat the first boss in Mine Blocks!
Find 7 of the items in Scavenger Hunt!
Find 8 of the items in Scavenger Hunt!
Find 9 of the items in Scavenger Hunt!
Find all 10 items in Scavenger Hunt! Amazing!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Survive a wave of Traditional Interpretation.
Gain enough points to rebuild a lost city.
Survive five waves of Traditional Interpretation.
Survive a wave of Doomsday Theory.
Don't allow any missiles to hit the ground.
Survive ten waves of Traditional Interpretation.
Survive three waves of Doomsday Theory.
Win an extra city, but have no dead cities to rebuild.
Survive three waves of Doomsday Theory with all six cities intact.